This brings me to today's offering. From my previous post on the Aliens Action Fleet APC I hinted that some of the most spectacular examples of Aliens toys come out of Japan. Three years ago Aoshima released stunning die cast metal models of the Dropship and APC. A close look at these vehicles will reveal details that might make nitpickers cringe. This is an interesting artifact of having an accurate model of a movie vehicle in your hands. For example, a close examination of the Dropship, which is a VTOL aircraft like a Harrier jump jet, and you see that the thrust nozzles are not centered on the aircraft. This would make the Droship nose heavy and unstable. This shows you that absolute perfection in engineering design is not critical for a successful movie vehicle. To create something believable on the screen is an entirely different matter.
That aside, the Aoshima Aliens toys are by far some of the most stunning models of movie vehicles you will ever see. The Dropship is over a foot long and weighs in at over two pounds! It has all the moving parts seen in the film. As a companion piece, the APC is finely detailed and it stows neatly in the cargo bay of the Dropship. To give a sense of scale, the vehicles each came with tiny detailed figures of the colonial marines.
This is not a toy to be missed, so stay frosty, move on into the Vehicles Gallery of the Cabinet of Curious Frivolities, and secure the area by checking out the Die Cast Metal Aliens Dropship and APC.
Full steam ahead...
Where can I by this??